News Archive

Hogen Systems generate the highest quantity of water directly from the surrounding air. The most efficient, cost effective, environmentally friendly and sustainable method of generating safe drinking water. Anytime, anywhere.

News Archive

Future Water Association Winner

26 April 2023

We are proud to announce that Charlotte has been chosen a Future Water Association winner in their People of the Year 2023 category.

This award recognises the work that Charlotte and the team put into promoting sustainability. Ensuring we do things the right way is a core value at Hogen Systems, it is great to see it being applied and acknowledged across all areas of the business.

Here is what Charlotte has to say about winning the award:

“I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to announce that I have been named one of the Future Water Association’s People of the Year 2023! This award recognises my efforts in championing sustainability with my company, Hogen Systems Ltd., as well as outside of my role.

It has been a privilege to work alongside the incredible team at Hogen Systems as we strive to revolutionise the way we use and produce water. Beyond out company, I am dedicated to promoting sustainable practices and educating others on the importance of protecting our precious resources.

Receiving this recognition from the Future Water Association is truly humbling and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue advocating for sustainability in all aspects of my work and personal life. Thank you to everyone who has supported and inspired me along the way!”

If you want to find out more about how Hogen Systems work in a sustainable way, you can contact us directly or check our YouTube channel.

Merlin Innovation Awards 2023

20 February 2023

We are proud to have received the Merlin Innovation Awards Seal of Excellence for our Atmospheric Water Generators.

The MERLIN Project commits to transformative ecosystems restoration, mainstreaming nature-based solutions for the urgent systemic change of our society.

Merlin works with partners across Europe on freshwater restoration projects, and compliments this with the Merlin Academy. The academy is designed to support and educate environmental managers, scientists, policy makers, investors and activists in freshwater restoration so we can all work together for a better future. This is a great resource for anyone wanting to gain more knowledge on freshwater restoration.

Hogen Systems has been awarded the Merlin Innovation Awards Seal of Excellence as Atmospheric Water Generation is a nature-based solution. Our technology and generators harvest safe, clean drinking water directly from the air. Our water generators replicate dew harvesting, a technique that has been used in nature for centuries. If you would like to find out more, contact us for more information on our technology and solutions.

WATERisLIFE Partnership

4 July 2022

Hogen Systems are delighted to announce a partnership with WATERisLIFE.

WATERisLIFE is a global NGO with over 15 years of experience, working to solve the world water crisis. They specialise in providing water access and filtration. The aim of the company is to provide safe, clean drinking water to the people in need. These core values are aligned with the SDGs that have been set by the United Nations. WATERisLIFE run projects in water stressed countries including Kenya, Ghana, Puerto Rico, China and Haiti, among others.

Current applications and projects include filtration systems, pumps and drilling. Hogen Systems is working with WATERisLIFE to provide an alternative solution: Atmospheric Water Generation. This collaboration will change the landscape of water projects in Latin America and Africa.

The partnership presents an enormous opportunity for millions of people in Africa, where WATERisLIFE have a full-time team deployed to address the water crisis there. The team on the ground have expressed the need to add Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) to the current offering. This is due to the increasing droughts that the region has experienced.

Atmospheric Water Generation technology enables us to create water from air. This allows for people to have access to safe, clean drinking drinking on site. You can read about how our technology works here or contact us directly.

For more information about WATERisLIFE, visit their website or LinkedIn.

Sustainability Awards Nominations for Hogen

4 May 2022

Hogen Systems are delighted to have been shortlisted for multiple awards, recognising their ongoing commitment to sustainability and environmentalism.

To be listed as finalists in these prestigious categories reflects directly how sustainability is a core value for Hogen Systems. The team at Hogen work hard to protect our planet while providing safe, clean drinking water to those who need it most.

Hogen Systems aim to help provide a better future, for everyone.

Contact us for more information on what we do here at Hogen!

Atmospheric Water Generation: Pure Magic?

27 January 2022

Hogen Systems feature in Mark & Focus Magazine

The following article “Pure Magic?” considers the fast-approaching worldwide freshwater crisis that is faced by us all and examines how Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) technology, that has been developed by Hogen System’s, helps address this.

Our Blue Planet

Viewed from space, Earth looks like a blue marble with white swirls. Some parts are brown, yellow, green and white. It floats like a bright jewel set against the infinite blackness of space. The blue part is water which covers most of the Earth and which makes it unique amongst the planets in our solar system for having water in liquid form on the surface in an amount conductive to the evolution of life.

Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has a significant amount of liquid water. About 74% of the surface of the Earth is covered by it in liquid or frozen form. Because of this, we often call Earth the Blue Planet, and it is only because of its water that Earth is home to millions of species of plants, animals and to Man. Yet despite this proportion of water, the Earth remains a fragile closed ecosystem in which freshwater remains one of the most limited and essential of commodities. While much of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of this is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean based. Even then, just 1 percent of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields.

The water we drink today has been around in one form another since the days when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, hundreds of millions of years ago. But while the amount of freshwater on the planet has remained constant over time – continually recycled through the atmosphere and back into our taps – our population has exploded, meaning that every year competition for clean, copious supplies of water for drinking, cooking, bathing and sustaining life intensifies.

Read the full article “Pure Magic?” here pages 29-31 and find out how Atmospheric Water Generation technology produces water from the air here.

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